[P3] Use the internet for different types of business activities

Finally, this is the last part for your first draft submission.

The different between P2 and P3 is that.. P2 specifically ask for the comparison of the business organizations. Whereas P3 is more general. As you already know, there are 4 main business activities.

  • Business Research
  • Procurement
  • Promotion 
  • Communication

From the business activities above, you need to explain how is the internet being used for the above activities? Explain in great detail, you may use examples in this case. 

All the best!!

[P2] Describe examples of how the internet is used by selected contrasting businesses [IE]

How was P1? Was it really hard for you to do? That is just the basic for internet in terms of IT. Now, lets look at internet in terms of Business.


Points to be included in P2:

By using 2 different contrasting business (2 different type of business. It must not be of the same type).

  • Give brief business description of the company of your choice
  • How do the companies use the internet? are they using it for communication? for research? and etc

Keeping in mind that when you do the comparison, you have to give evidence and show what is the same and what is different for the companies. 

Free Blogger Templates and Design

Having interactive and beautiful template for your blog is essential in order to increase your blog traffic.

Why is it important to increase your blog traffic?
If you are planning to earn passive income from blogging, you will need to increase your viewers. More explanation on earning income from blogging will be posted and explain once you complete all your assignment. So stay tune ;) 

Below is the list of Free Blogger Templates that you can choose from. Although some of the websites also provide premium templates, there are many beautiful free templates which you can use. It is your choice if you want to invest on buying the premium template. 

Without further ado, let's look at all the lists:-


P1 references

As you already know, reference is the most important part in your assignment. Paraphrasing, summarizing and also putting the correct reference is to ensure everyone not to just copy and paste the work of others but also to protect the content that the other author had gathered and research.

I will be listing down some of the links for your reference. There are many sites that can provide you with the instructions. You can also use books or magazines for your reference.

How to setup internet linked computers reference:-

1) Prezi presentation on internet setup
2) Wikipedia on internet setup
3) Extra read from lifewire
4) Connecting home computers
5) Basics in connecting
6) How computers connect to internet. Click here.
7) Equipment & Networking basic. Click here.

Keep Updating!

Ms Nadirah
'The fruit of your own hard work is the sweetest'


[P1] Describe how the internet operates

BTEC is all about improvement. It is not about getting your assignment done and then that's it. THE MOST PERFECT ASSIGNMENT EVER. It is impossible for us to get the first draft to be the best. Even for myself, I need to edit from time to time for any of my work (including this blog). However, always put a lot of effort in the first draft so that there is no need for you to do a lot of correction. 

You're done with the first P1. Let's take a look at your progress. 

1) Have you insert all the keywords written in the 2nd post?

2) Have you also included how to set up an internet linked computer? You can check some of the references here

3) Have you revisit your blog to check whether your stories flows or not as a whole? 

4) Always jot down your references. Use this website to write your reference. Take note that it should be in harvard style. 

5) Do change your template and design. Explore the world of blogging. There are many free template design which you can choose from in the internet.


The points that you should include in order to get P1

  • Definition of internet & Worldwide Web
  • Further Explanation of Internet & Worldwide Web
  • How do the internet operate?
  • Types of Internet Connection
  • How to get the internet? (Equipment, setup, etc)


And please follow your friends and everyone in this blog community. I will update the links above. Keep checking for new updates. Do leave a comment if there is anything that you need clarification about.

Keep Hustling!

[P1 - P3] 1st Draft submission

Assalamualaikum and good evening everyone,

Good Job! For making your first step to creating a blog.

In the ever changing world where technology is the demand, we have to equip ourselves with IT skills keeping in mind that business subject is of equal importance. Creating the interactive, good content and beautiful blog is the hope of every blogger. Hope all of you will find pleasure in getting new knowledge and excited to know more about the blogger world.

Without further ado, as promised I will list down the keywords that you should use in your blog posts (you do not have to use all the keywords though, choose wisely)

[P1] Describe how the internet operates

You should describe the internet and the worldwide web and how they operate

- internet as a network
- servers
- types of connections to the internet
- www
- protocols
- domain names
- w3c

[P2] Describe examples of how the internet is used by selected contrasting businesses [IE]

Give 2 or 3 organisations for examples of how the internet is being used.
- procurement
- research
- development of online presence for sales
- promotion
- customer service
- public relations
- providing information
- influencing others
- communications
- emails
- intranets
- extranets

[P3] Use the internet for different types of business activities

You should carry out at least one process from each section of the unit content. Demonstration of the methods of carrying out business research, carrying out a shopping transaction, developing website material and sending emails using business language and protocols. Evidence of shopping transactions could be brought in from homes if applicable.

That is all for today, if you have further question do not hesitate in asking in either the whatsapp group or private message. Fighting!!

Task 1 Guideline & Marking Scheme

TASK 1 Marking Scheme

[P1] Describe how the internet operates

[P2] Describe examples of how the internet is used by selected, contrasting businesses [IE]

[P3] Use the internet for different types of business activities

[M1] Demonstrate how to solve problems in internet use for four different types of business activity

[P4] Describe the actions taken to reduce risks to security whilst using the internet for different type of business activities

This is the general Marking Scheme for Task 1. As you can see from the Marking Scheme, P3 and M1 is related to each other and hence it basically indicate that you need to elaborate more about it in order to get a Merit. 

I will explain in detail for each grade and give out the key terms to be used in your blog posts. 
